Super Moon

Tonight we shot under this extraordinary orb…

Morning Routine in Paradise

Every day before I have to be on set I have two non negotiables—

  1. At least 15 minutes of meditation
  2. Morning Pages. (3 pages or 30 minutes)

This shot looks east over Koh Khai (also known as Chicken Island) as the sun rises over the Gulf of Thailand. 

And yes, that is a Star Wars notebook.

And this is the chair I usually sit in when I meditate. But if it isn’t early in the morning (before 9) then it usually gets a little too hot to sit out here for extended periods. 

Not A Bad Life, ey pup?

The beach where we shot in Chumphon had two or three dogs that are used to calling this stretch of shore home. They were kind enough to let us use their land, but they sometimes insisted on wandering into our shots. Our continuity coordinators told us that we can’t have the dog in the shots. So we had to lure them away with treats, or pretend at playing a game of chase, and sometimes, we found, we were really playing.

Koh Tao

After a week of shooting in Krabi we drove north to the province of Chumphon to begin a three week shoot. But upon arrival we had two days off of shooting, so I took the catamaran two hours into the gulf of Thailand to a little island called Koh Tao. 

I stayed at Shark Bay, and they told me the Sharks were nice. Yes, and I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell them.

Paradise Kitty

I wanted to be the first person on the beach for sunrise.

This pretty kitty beat me to it.

Railay Beach, Krabi

With a day off and our next day not starting until noon, I hopped a longtail boat in Krabitown and booked a hotel on Railay Beach. When I dove in at sunset, it started to rain, and suddenly I had the place all to myself. Well worth the wet clothes.

We might not deserve

All the beauty in this world.

Maybe only our children

And those we call our children

Ever do.

Into The Jungles of Krabi

I’m genuinely doing my best, but on my first day on set I found a red ant hacking away at the flesh on my leg. We are here for a week and already I’m getting chewed up.

But our production design makes even the footbridges to set… magical.


The crew makes landfall after a day shoot on ocean.