At the Netflix/MPC Seminar on Bringing Thai Content To The World

An incredible partnership is happening between the global content leader Netflix and the robust filmmaking talent in Thailand. I’ve been incredibly lucky to able to participate in this meeting of titans. 

Erika North spoke to filmmakers and producers about how Netflix what their process is like from bringing content from idea to world0-wide rollout. She also made it very clear that Thai filmmakers and producers have a welcome mat to be able to approach them with ideas. It’s an exciting time to be telling stories in Thailand.

Khun Ekachai spoke on some of the particulars of how The Stranded came together, which is in many ways the pilot program for cross cultural, Thai/Western collaboration. 

It’s a crazy blessing to work across cultures and within language barriers to create something. Not pictured: about a couple hundred other giants who are aces, and have been warm and welcoming.

I know there are a lot of people in the States who fret over whether to move to LA or New York. I have to say that, there are other options, and Bangkok is a thrilling place to be right now.