My Writers

What a great room. I’m honored to be working with such incredible Thai writers and filmmakers. They keep my western biases in check and they burn white hot with these long hours. 

There’s Kae, she makes films in Thailand and the UK, a mother, who comes at everything through character. 

There’s James, who has made films and music videos in Thailand, and he let me ride on the back of his motorbike as he tore through Asok last night. 

There’s Grace, our intern, half Thai, half Irish, she goes to university in the UK and at 19 she keeps our YA threads in perspective. She’s already a produced playwright and I have little doubt that one day I’ll be asking her for a job. 

Lastly there is Ekachai, he’s staged theatre hits and written plays throughout east Asia, now he basically runs a television and music empire in Bangkok. He channels story with hypnotic electricity and erupts into the most infectious laughter you’d ever want to hear. 

They each call Bangkok home and each have a love/hate relationship with the city, something I am familiar with (LA). These people make me a better storyteller. If you want a better international group of writers to shoot down your bad ideas, in search of better index card, you’d want to look no further than here.